
We are bringing a western business idea to Japan, the mobile meditation studio!

Our mission will be to bring moments of mindfulness to the citizens of Tokyo.

We want to provide a space for people to experience mindfulness at a reasonable cost with convenience and flexibility in mind.

You will have a unique opportunity to take a short break in a comfortable space, while developing your mindfulness practice. We welcome beginners to experienced meditators, and we are open to different styles of practice as well. We can partner with teachers with various mindfulness approaches.

Our inspiration is taken from companies like the Calm City truck and the BeTime meditation studio in New York, PauseNow in San Francisco, and MeditationWorks in Toronto.



I received my meditation teaching certificates from The Path (Dina Kaplan) and the MELON meditation studio in Tokyo. I am a member of the Mindfulness Meditation Association of Japan.

I am American-born from Taiwanese parents, and I grew up in Michigan and then moved to Los Angeles after college. I currently live and teach in Japan.

My interest in meditation started from a different place, I heard that many creative artists were into meditation to inspire their creativity, and that’s when I started reading books on meditation and mindfulness. My interest grew from there, beyond just being creative and diving more into how we live and how we think.

But I also like to mention that it’s not always such a serious and deep investigation. I have always been a fan of stand-up comedy since I was very young and there are some comedians who also are devoted to meditation. Jerry Seinfeld has been a long-time meditator and advocate. I listen to comedy podcasts, particularly Pete Holmes’s You Made It Weird podcast, where he often discusses spirituality, religion and mindfulness.

Even though I find spirituality discussions interesting, my personal interest in mindfulness is more focused on the scientific research, and the overall understanding of the brain and of consciousness.

In my private lessons, I like to emphasize what many other teachers have talked about, that meditation practice is like strengthening a muscle, in particular a muscle of attention. Whatever guidance I can give, whatever environment is needed, I am here to support that journey.

If interested, please check out our crowdfunding page.